The National Trust of Trinidad and Tobago in collaboration with the Australian High Commission will premiere the film: The Last Goldfish (2017) on Wednesday 6th June, 2018 at the Central Bank Auditorium, Eric Williams Financial Complex, Port of Spain commencing 6:45 p.m.
The Last Goldfish (2017) is an award winning documentary directed by Su Goldfish and highlights the story of a young woman’s search for her lost family. After her father’s suppression of the trauma of becoming a refugee, Su became determined to uncover her family’s past. Her exploration led her from Australia to Trinidad and Tobago; the land of her birth; where she discovered her German-born father’s Jewish Heritage.
Tickets for the premiere cost $100.00 and are available at the National Trust of Trinidad and Tobago’s office, 68-70 Sackville Street, Port of Spain and Wack 90.1 FM, Coffee Street, San Fernando.
For further information or to purchase tickets please contact Chenelle Spooner at 225-4750 ext. 1075 or 706-6316 or via email at