Special Film Screening: "The Last Goldfish" (7 pm)
Adult, adults, Film, Film Screening, menorah, ACE
Date: June 10, 2018 Time: 7:00 pm
Boulder JCC
Contact: Jodi Zicklin Email: jodi@boulderjcc.org
Special Screening of "The Last Goldfish"
With Director Su Goldfish in person
Manfred Goldfish tried to suppress the trauma that made him a refugee in 1939. When his filmmaker daughter unearths her father's extraordinary story, she also discovers where she belongs.
Su Goldfish was raised in Trinidad, but moved to Australia when she was thirteen, following an attempted military coup. As a child, Su didn't realize she was white. As an adult, she finds a new family in Sydney's queer community, learns she is Jewish - and that she has half-siblings on the other side of the world. The search eventually leads her to Boulder and Marilyn Pinsker.
Told through a personal archive stretching across a century, this search for one lost family reveals the repercussions of forced migration across generations.
Sunday, June 10 | 4pm and 7 pm | FREE - Register Now